Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grocery smarts class

I went to a grocery smarts class last week and learned how to get great deal with coupons. They have a website and all the helps you. Its and if anyone is interested I will have a class at my house and Heather can come teach you all. It is unreal how much you save. I just started get the newspaper so I have to build up my coupon supply. But last week I just print off some coupons because I was so excited to try it out. Here is what I paid 1.98 I had a 3 $ off coupon for Johnson & Johnson
and a 1$ off coupon for Huggies so for the buddies they are totally free.
There is a link for the buddies soap bar at the bottom.

4 boxes of cereal
6 boxes of hotpockets
4 easy macs
6 boxes of sausages
1 gallon of milk( not on sell)
I paid a whole 23$ for all this and saved 26.98

FREE Johnson’s Buddies Soap w/ Coupon — Deal Seeking Mom
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Jewelry Party!

Anyone intersted in a jewelry party its tommorrow at 7:00pm! Its at my house let me know ane i will give you my address thanks!